psalm 150 nkjv

psalm 150 nkjv

3 min read 29-12-2024
psalm 150 nkjv


Psalm 150, the final psalm in the Book of Psalms, is a powerful and exuberant call to praise God. It's a crescendo, a culmination of the preceding 149 psalms, urging all creation to join in a glorious celebration of God's majesty and power. This psalm, written in vibrant, energetic language, leaves the reader with a feeling of awe and joyful worship. Let's delve into this concluding praise.

Understanding Psalm 150: A Detailed Look

This psalm is remarkably concise, yet incredibly impactful. Its brevity belies its intensity; every word rings with a passion for worship.

Verse 1: Praise in the Sanctuary

“Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.”

This opening verse sets the stage. It immediately calls for praise, not just from a select few, but from everyone. "Praise ye the Lord" is a direct command, an invitation, and a declaration. The location – God's sanctuary – highlights the sacredness of the act. “Firmament of his power” speaks to the vastness and might of God's creation, a testament to his omnipotence.

Verse 2: Praise with Instruments

“Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to the excellency of his greatness.”

Here, the focus shifts to God’s actions. His “mighty acts,” from creation to redemption, deserve our praise. “Excellency of his greatness” emphasizes the immeasurable scope of God's power and glory. The call to praise isn't just verbal; it’s a full-bodied, enthusiastic response.

Verse 3: Praise with Musical Instruments

“Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.”

This verse introduces specific instruments, symbolizing the joyful noise of a multitude praising God. The trumpet's powerful sound signifies a triumphant declaration of God's reign. The psaltery and harp, gentler instruments, add a layer of beauty and reverence to the worship.

Verse 4: Praise with Cymbals

“Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.”

The celebration continues with more instruments and the addition of dance, illustrating the joyous, uninhibited nature of true worship. The timbrel, a percussion instrument, adds rhythmic excitement. The use of stringed instruments and organs signifies a full orchestra, showcasing the multifaceted nature of God's glory.

Verse 5: Universal Praise

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.”

The final verse is a powerful climax, extending the invitation to all of creation. "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord" is an inclusive command, encompassing all living beings. The repetition of "Praise ye the Lord" underscores the urgency and importance of this act of worship.

The Significance of Psalm 150

Psalm 150 is more than just a musical instruction manual. It’s a profound theological statement:

  • The Importance of Praise: The psalm emphasizes the central role of praise in our relationship with God. It's not just an optional activity; it's a commanded response to God's magnificence.
  • The Universality of Praise: The call to praise extends beyond humanity to all creation, illustrating the pervasive impact of God's glory.
  • The Joy of Worship: The vibrant imagery and musical instruments evoke a sense of joyful, exuberant worship, a celebration of God's goodness and power.

Practical Application of Psalm 150

How can we apply the message of Psalm 150 to our lives today?

  • Engage in heartfelt worship: Let's strive for a more genuine and enthusiastic approach to worship, expressing our gratitude and adoration for God.
  • Use various forms of expression: We can incorporate different forms of creative expression in our worship, whether it's music, dance, or artistic endeavors.
  • Spread the message of praise: Let's encourage others to join in the celebration, sharing the good news of God's love and power with the world.


Psalm 150 is a fitting conclusion to the Book of Psalms. It’s a resounding call to praise God, a celebration of his majesty, and an invitation to join in the universal chorus of adoration. May this psalm inspire us to live lives of joyful worship, praising God with all our hearts, minds, and souls. Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord!

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